Год рождения: 2018
Пол: Жеребец
Рост: 167 +
Масть: Гнедая
Порода: Вестфальская
Место рождения: Россия
Цена: по запросу
Родился 03.04.2018
Информацию о Кидамс Рубине мы взяли со станички жеребца с сайта его владельца.
Первоклассный жеребец Кидамс Рубин очень рано покинул мир, но успел дать потомство, успешно и ярко выступающее на международной арене.
Кидамс Рубин закончил 30-дневные тесты в Пруссендорфе с максимально оценкой 10,0 за прыжковый потенциал, затем победил во многих спортивных тестах для молодых лошадей, и наконец, стал победителем 7-ти дневнх тестов в Ньюштадт-Дозе.
The first-class main sire Quidam's Rubin left the breeding stage much too early. At his 30-day test in Prussendorf in 2002, Quidam’s Rubin received the maximum possible score of 10.0 for his jumping ability, a salute to his ancestors. In 2004 he won novice (A) and elementary (L) level tests for young show jumpers and in fall of that year he left his 70-day test in Neustadt/Dosse as undisputed victor. In his specialty, show jumping, he received the highest possible score of 10.0 several times. In just a few years he had been able to firmly establish himself in the upper league of German jumper-makers. Quidam's Rubin had been in breeding at the Sprehe studfarm from 2002 to 2007 and then died unexpectedly. He produced numerous highlights at foal shows and championships as well as highly paid candidates for diverse auctions. In 2003, the Oldenburg Verband awarded him the I-a main premium in the lot of stallions with emphasis on jumping. Today, he can refer to 30 licensed sons (including Quaid I and II, Quidamo, Quinnus I, II and III, Quidam Blue, Quidam Cento, Quintessenz, Quite Rubin and many others) of whom many have been awarded a premium
Quidam's Rubin | Quidam de Revel | Jalisco B | v. Alme |
Dirka | v. Nankin | ||
Helvecia | Landgraf I | v. Ladykiller | |
Betti I | v. Caletto I | ||
Valentina | Valentino | Now or Never | v. Voltaire |
Patricia | v. Bilisar | ||
Woldona | Stakkato | v. Spartan | |
Eine wie Keine | v. Espri |
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