

We are doing a foals from a straws, growing up them, preparing and teaching them for you and for sport.

Due to responsible work of our riders our horses having brightly and succesful results as in home-shows and international shows.

Our breeding stallions were and remain participants and winners in many national and international shows in Europe include show like a WEG ( Conte Bellini), Shanghai Masters ( Caramsin), Global Champions Tour Miami, Mexico ( Caramsin), Calgary Masters ( Conte Bellini),  SCI 4* Sires of the Would in Lanaken ( Conte Bellini, Caramsin) , WC Final Geteborg and Lion ( Conte Bellini, Caramsin),  Final CSI4* Warshaw ( Caramsin was winner), and many shows 4-5* level in Germany, Poland, Swiss, Austria, Belgium, Holland, France, Italy, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia. 

Our jumping mares are daugthers by most famous stallions as Baloubet du Rouet, Montender, Le Tot de Semilly, Verdi, Casall, Potential, Landadel, Lord Z, Clinton, Diamant de Semilly, Valentino, Acord II, Kannan, Contender, Heartbreaker, Air Jordan, Cornet Obolensky, Emerald, Caramsin, Conte Bellini  and etc.

Our dressuge stallions Ehrenpar, Franchescus и San Dominik ( Sandro Hit - Donnerhall), produced many interesting young dressage horses with mares by Rubinstain, De Niro, Rubin Royal, Furst Heinrich, Danny de Vito, Show Star.

We are always pleased to represent you our foals, young horses  with different ages in our barn:





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